Church in the Palms offers you a safe and secure way to support our mission of inspiring people to love God, love others, and live the love. 

To invest in our mission, simply click on the "Give" button below. You will then be directed to setup your payment option and an account, if desired. You can then designate your giving for our General Fund or a particular initiative. You can give a one-time gift or setup the payment to automatically process on a schedule you determine. 

Please know that it is less expensive for the church to process your giving if you give through a checking account rather than a credit card. You will also be given an option to cover the processing fee with your gift.

Your online giving will be recorded for end-of-year statement processing. 

Thank you for partnering with Church in the Palms through tithes, offerings, or designated giving. Your generous donations make all the ministries at Church in the Palms possible. You are also helping us partner with our local and national ministry partners.

Should you have any difficulties or questions do not hesitate to contact our office or email Dale Eby at

Church in the Palms is a 501c3 corporation. All gifts are tax-deductible.